Storytelling is what makes us human

13secrule digitalstorytelling digitaltools listening nocode storytelling Aug 18, 2021

Hello fellow Digi Dolphs.

I would like to share my vision with you that everybody is a storyteller and that storytelling is what makes  us human.

We all grew up with fairytales and detective and adventure, and love stories where we were introduced to the concept of storytelling ,which was part our upbringing, in radio shows or on TV, naturally we adapted this form of communication to express ourselves.

How often during the day are you saying: hey let me tell you a story or have you heard that someone did something.  so we are referring back to what we learnt how to draft something we want to share and bring into the world,  about an adventure and information something which needs doing

Where I am aiming at is that by nature we are storytellers. All our knowledge in the 21st-century is grounded in the stories our ancestors, taught independently from where they lived, the Mayas, the Greeks, the Romans,  the indigenous people around the world ,

Through storytelling we share our knowledge, through storytelling we connect with the  past and pave or ways for the future.

 This is what I mean when I say storytelling makes human,  showing  this authenticity, admitting failure and celebrating and sharing emotions.

In our course Becoming a Master of storytelling in the Digital world we are going deeper and finding out how storytelling actually connects us to the world and how we can use this connection to make an impact in our environment.

My vision is that The Digital Dolphins Pod are engaged storytellers who make an impact with their stories.

One of the biggest components in the act storytelling is  not only the craft of telling good story, but it’s always aimed for an audience and this audience has to be willing to listen, to digest your information.

The ability to listen with your heart and not only to wait till you can speak again it’s something we all need to practice again and refine.

One of the graduate attributes in the University sector is actually active listening, to have the ability to actively listen and then being able to identifying the gap and take the necessary steps to solve that problem.

Have you asked yourself when the last time was that you actually actively listened without thinking “oh I need to interrupt and tell my Dialogue partner what my thoughts are?

I have a little challenge  for you, I invite you to pause the next time when you are in a conversation when someone else is speaking and count to 10,  slowly, and just listen to what they say.

When they are finished, make sure they are finished, count to 3 and then ask:

Have you finished? I would like to add my point of view.

This is what I call the 13 seconds rule, to ensure that you listened to the messages and can actually act on the information and not talk about something complete different, which you had in mind since the beginning of the conversation.

So when I am saying “storytelling makes us human” it it’s not only always about the storyteller, but mutually always also about the story listener.

Let it know how you go with your litlle challenge of active listening and post to Instagram under the handle digital_dolphins your experience.

If you’re interested in joining the digital Dolphins Pod please go to

Also, on our website you  find a QR code where you can reach me in my zoom office if you have any questions about our course.

Now, enjoy storytelling and story listening in your everyday life!

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