Aug 28, 2021
How are we addressing this mounting anxiety? And how are we dealing with the daily challenge of this uncertainty? So the idea came to me being an expert in storytelling that we go down the path of No worries Stories. What exactly is that concept?
I came up with this idea a few weeks ago, when Australia seemed to be plunged into a third wave of the virus. We were facing lockdown once again and at the University we decided not to go back to campus for a while. Which meant, the nice office at the ninth floor where it can almost see the hills of Dandenong are not going to be visible for me anytime soon.
I was looking around in my home and I recently moved and all my things haven't found their home yet.
Every piece in my home has a place where it contributes energetically to the feeling in the apartment. And as long as that is disrupted, I put things from right to left and left to right and up and down, to try to find a way how to place and organise them in a way that they are pleasing the eye and supporting my energy.
Energy I gain is when I'm reminded of nice situations in my life or of a very special moment. And everything which is around me has a special moment to tell, invokes a special memory in my in myself. Close your eyes and then you turn three times, then you do the Dorothy thing to click a few times with your heals, open your eyes and what is the first thing you spot?
I spotted a hat, a hat I brought from Berlin when I moved to Melbourne back in 2012.
And that hat just stayed with me ever since. It is a hat made out of straw, which reminds me of the hat I had when I visited TischSchool of the Arts New York, THE Film School. My graduation film was called "Panama Hat". And back in New York, I told the story of that hat.
It was 10 minutes film which premiered back in Munich as a pre movie to the film “Thelma and Louise”.
This straw hat on my bookshelf reminds me of that happy time in my life.
So I took the hat off the shelf and then you tell either someone or yourself the story how this object came into your household or came into your life.
What's the gain? What did this object bring to you.?
In this case the hat came to shelter against the Australian sun, first Berlin sun, no the Australian sun. And it was also cool, because everybody, obviously in Australia everybody has a hat.
And it also reminded me of the time in New York, where I shot my film still on 16 millimetres, where I had to edit it, the old way, on a Steenbeck, not with Premiere Pro, this program wasn't existing at the time..
DRs Kulturarvsprojekt from Copenhagen, Danmark, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons
The story of Panama Hat is the story of a magic hat, which makes your wishes come true. So years later now in Melbourne I was reminded of not only the magic of my time in New York, which lightened up my day in these challanging times in Melbourne at the moment.
Choose a random item in your household and tell their story, give you worries a break!
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